Glad our work on Clifford was discovered!

Also thanks for Tendryakov, I'll look him up!

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It was fascinating to discover it. Thank you!

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It was a lot of fun to frame him as real from the English speaking side!

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Jun 23Liked by Chen Rafaeli

Translating it was a ton of fun, I remember

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okay, I start being confused, yet again....))

I took it as if you found indeed the original by Clifford?

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Big thank you for the restack, @Dave pearen 💫

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Jun 22Liked by Chen Rafaeli

You’re still enjoyable to read Chen, so feel free to be a mess! 😁 And take heart in the fact that you are able to acknowledge it, have the courage to share it, and are actively seeking to fix it.

Personally, I am not inclined to take pills, I prefer natural remedies. Have you tried mimosa?

Way cool your son is into plasma physics! I like his description.

A star on earth. Apt and rather poetic.

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oh thank you so much!!

(I'm deadly scared of pills actually, I keep to the ones I've gotta take-I have strangest side effects to many innocent/regular substances, this time it was antibiotic. Very ordinary one. Just bad luck.)

It is poetic -thank you again, so kind💫

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Jun 23Liked by Chen Rafaeli

You’re very welcome Chen! 💖 The Errf needs more kindness. 😁

I mistakenly thought you were taking antidepressants. They’re particularly nasty. Mimosa is purported to help with depression.

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