Thoughts of aging come to mind. Wrinkles in time.

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How do you protect your heart, Chen? I so admire and appreciate your courage in undertaking these translations. It’s humbling to this often cynical soul.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Author

thank you..really. humbling is to hear your kind words❤️

I'm kinda bad in protecting my heart..but nowadays, that's what it is, I won't become better at it I'm afraid...more worrried about my brain, this thing does need to function at some level))

I do not think it's courage by the way. showing it-yes this requires a degree of "ok let me fall face down again, in a picturesque way" or something.

thank you for this, for saying this-it propelled me to think about

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Much more than picturesque, Chen, much more

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I feel the negative feelings in this poem. Really good describing them, as it shows how those came to happen due to the world.

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thank you for saying this, @mpoetry-that's very important for me to hear, as yes, the feelings are negative(as oppossed to the very uplifting melody..I love this juxtaposition in songs, i know a few), and it was crucial to capture them-but also pity and kindness and sorrow

thank you 🍃🍃

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Thank you so very much for the restack, @Dave pearen 🪄

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Sorrowful, poignant, resignation, strength to keep on..it broke my heart. 💔

Thank you so much for making this lovely effort to translate, Chen/April. Your love for poetry overpowers the hard work. Bravissima. 🙌🧡

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...thank you, dear @Meenaz. thank you for being so incredibly kind, for ...🤍🪄

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beautiful. and the footnotes too.

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thank you, Philip-too kind, really

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Jul 3Liked by Chen Rafaeli

This is haunting. Thank you for taking the time and emotional energy to create this gift.

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you're very kind-I've no proper words to express how much it means...hearing that I did manage to capture something

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